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Mommy & Me

The Mommy and Me Program consists of bi-weekly sessions for toddlers and a caregiver (e.g. parent, grandparent). Our Mommy and Me class was re-established this year after closing during the pandemic, and walks parents through age-approproate cognitive learning exercises and provides guidelines on the proper nutrition and care for their young ones. Children participate in a variety of activities to stimulate key developmental areas: physical, cognitive, social-emotional, communication and self-help skills. Caregivers learn activities that can be continued outside of these sessions. This program is free of charge.

Hours of Operation: 

The program is offered every other Tuesday, from 9:00 a.m – 11:00 a.m., starting the Tuesday after Labor Day and continuing through early May. The first day of Mommy & Me in 2024 will be Tuesday, Setpember 10, 2024. Questions about the program or enrollment can be sent to Jazmin Rosas at